God’s calendar, forgotten in Egypt, proclaimed God during the exodus of the people of Israel. This started with:
King James, Exodus 12,2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.
The calendarApp for calculating God’s calendar
After entering a year of the Gregorian- or Julian calendar, God’s calendar always starts in Thailand, because parts of it were still preserved in Asia. (e.g .: -4 for 5 BC)
In the distant future, the Gregorian calendar will no longer exist. As an illustration, it will no longer be displayed from 2058.
Help spread the world with God’s calendar again.
Options of this app
1. The beginning of the day
2. Nautical twilight
3. Civil twilight
4. First rays of sun
5. Sun exactly on the ascendant
Only option 5 has equivalence between sunrise and sunset. All other options are actually wrong because at the time of the equinox (spring point) the day and night hours are not the same length.
Effect: Sometimes the beginning of the month shifts by one day, but without any subsequent effect on the following months.
The app uses option 5 as the default value. However, there are communities that expect civil twilight.
2. The beginning of the year
Option 2: New moon conjunction closer to the equinox
Option 3: New moon conjunction always after the equinox
Effect: Every two to three years, the beginning of the year shifts by one month.
The Bible is actually only compatible with option 3, because it means that every year there is also „ripe barley“ at the time of the first sheaf. In addition, the year only starts when the old year is over. That is why the app uses option 3 as the default value.
With option 2, the year sometimes begins when the old year has not yet ended, i.e. before the Aquinox. It is used in many Jewish calendars, but also by the Word’s last Chance community.
Option 1 is used by only a few. Probably the incorrect translation of Psalm 81 in OT is responsible for its use.
If you calculate like option 3 of this app you get a correct result for the whole world. The new moon conjunction must not fall in the daytime hours of the new moon day anywhere on earth, because this would divide the biblical day. The same is true of the equinox. It must also not fall anywhere in the daytime hours of the new moon day, because part of the earth would then celebrate the beginning of the year a month later. Unfortunately, it is precisely this mistake that is still made with many calendars, because the effect on the whole world is not taken into account.
You should take a closer look at a daily routine all over the world in order to understand the beginning of the month and year more easily. The biblical day begins where the sun rises at the time of the new moon conjunct and then wanders around the world in 24 hours.
Most of the time the sunrise at the time of the new moon conjunct is outside the date line, which is why the biblical day is divided into two days of the Gregorian calendar.
Neither the human date line nor the so-called „meton cycle“ is relevant to our creator.
We look for a sunrise at the time of the new moon conjunct on the date line, because then only a few places fall on another Gregorian date. There was such a month in 2014, the new moon conjunction was on 03/30/2014 at 18:44:52 GMT.
At that point the sun was rising in the Pacific. The new day dawned in Sydney. At that time it was already March 31, 2014 in Sydney. 1 hour and 25 minutes later (07:10) the sun rose in Sydney.
(3/30/2014 20:10 GMT)
Then the sun rose in Tokyo at 05:34 GMT+9. (3/30/2014 20:34 GMT)
The next time zone then follows:
Manila at 05:56 GMT+8
Bangkok at 06:18 GMT+7 (3/30/2014 23:18 GMT)
Dhaka at 05:56 GMT+6
Kabul at 05:48 GMT+4.5 (3/31/2014 01:18 GMT)
Bahrain at 05:35 GMT+3
Jerusalem at 05:34 GMT+2
Berlin at 05:52 GMT+1 (3/31/2014 06:52 GMT)
Lisbon at 06:29 GMT+-0
Azores at 06:35 GMT-1
Sao Paulo at 07:18 GMT-2
Buenos Aires at 07:09 GMT-3
Caracas at 06:29 GMT-4
New York at 07:47 GMT-5
Chicago at 05:41 GMT-6 (3/31/2014 11:41 GMT)
Denver at 05:52 GMT-7
Los Angeles at 05:47 GMT-8
Anchorage at 06:35 GMT-9
Honolulu at 06:30 GMT-10
Midway at 6:45 a.m.GMT-11 (3/31/2014 17:45 GMT)
Then the date jump follows:
Funafuti on 1.4.2014 at 06:10 GMT+12 (3/31/2014 18:10 GMT)
Auckland at 7:37 GMT+13
Kiritimati at 06:33 GMT+14 (3/31/2014 20:33 GMT)
Only when all this has been clarified can we do without the various options of this app.
The date line
There is no human date line in God’s calendar, so this line is between two days every month in a different place in the world. This limit is determined by the exact time of the new moon and sunrise.
God’s calendar can thus largely do without technology, because both the time and the date can be read in the sky. However, even in biblical times there were the Levites for calendar calculation, because you needed calendars for the future.
The time in God’s calendar
For modern people, the time of this calendar is even more difficult to get used to than the calendar. The date is given by the moon AND of the sun. However, the time is only determined by the position of the sun.

1. Throughout the year, the day hours get longer and the night hours get shorter, and vice versa. This eliminates the financial use of time. As a result, payroll accounting for working hours becomes impossible.
2. The sixth hour is always midday or midnight on God’s calendar. When our clocks today show noon, the sun is rarely exactly at the zenith.
3. Both day and night always have 12 hours. Only at the equinox in spring and autumn does the length of the hour match today’s clocks.
The modern civilization of mankind can not do without the Gregorian calendar so easily, because today’s economy is dependent on it. But society as a whole is also highly dependent on modern times. God’s Calendar will, however, become generally known before the return of God’s son.
Historical explanations
Birth of God’s son
The then King Herod the Great died in the spring of 4 BC , only one possible date remains for the birth that occurred before the king’s death.
The Roman census can now be completely disregarded because there is now archaeological evidence of an earlier census. As a result, biblical evidence is confirmed today.
The shepherds of Bethlehem can also be disregarded, because the following information excludes a birth in winter anyway.
As we know from the prophet Daniel, the Messiah’s mission began in 27 AD. According to the Gospel, he was about 30 years old at the time and was baptized by John, 6 months older.
We find the age difference at Lukas (Lk 1,32-36). We also find information about the father of John the Baptist (Luke 1.5-13). He belonged to the Abia priestly order, which served in the temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of the 3rd and 9th month (1 Chr. 24.7-19).
Because of the procreation of John in the 3rd or 9th month, we also know the possible months of the birth of the two. These are months 1 and 7, the time of the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Should the birth of John in 6 BC, it is months 7 and 13, because this year had a 13th month.
The year 7 BC is eliminated because you can no longer speak of „about 30 years“.
The birth of John was most likely in the 1st month 5 BC. And that of the Messiah in the 7th month 5 BC.
It is currently not possible to determine the exact date of birth of God’s son.
Crucifixion and resurrection
The easiest way to determine the year of crucifixion is to study some early Christian scriptures. After the death of the last apostle John, there was the so-called Easter dispute. A number of Smyrna’s Polycarp are mentioned in several sources. He probably knew Johannes personally, so trust in these records increases.
This dispute arose from various Easter dates in the Roman Empire. There was, however, something that was unanimous. Both parties agreed that the last supper was on a Roman Thursday and the resurrection was on a Roman Sunday.
If you take this for granted, then only a few years can be considered. This means that the often mentioned year 31 AD is excluded. Only the years 30 AD and 33 AD remain. However, the year 33 AD is also very likely to be ruled out because God’s son would be too old because of the “approximately 30 years”.
If we check the year 30 AD with the calendar app, then we find a special abnormality. The full moon became exact when the sun rose in Jerusalem and the Sabbath began. It was at this point that God’s Son’s one-day grave rest began. As a result, the year 30 AD becomes even more likely.
The Pentecost festival
When leaving Egypt, Moses was informed not only of God’s calendar, but also of the feasts of the year.
The right date for Pentecost was no longer comprehensible in the 2nd century AD because God’s calendar was lost again.
The „Pentecost“ stands for 50 days. The Bible verses about the 7 weeks (Deuteronomy 16: 9-10) and (Leviticus 23:15) led to great confusion because this was for God’s calendar.
In Leviticus 23:15, Moses wanted to make it clear that the 1st day and the possible 30th day of a month are not counted. The Pentecost festival was originally called the weekly festival and is always celebrated exactly 7 weeks after the first sheaf. As can be seen in the Calendar app, the Pentecost festival always falls on the 9th day of the 3rd month.
The name of God’s son
Again and again it is said that “Jesus” is the Greek word for the name of God’s son. The apostle John wrote the revelation on Patmos in Greek. He would never have translated the name because it would have been an „abomination“ for him. You transliterate names into other languages, that is, you write them so that the pronunciation of the name is the same as in the original language.
This wrong name came into the Bible for other reasons. The Roman emperor wanted to advance the Christianization of the Celts, which is why their god „Hesus“ was chosen. The „H“ and the „J“ were interchangeable at the time. This deity was one of the main gods of the Celts in Trinity with Teutates and Taranis. All three were sacrificed to people.
The Creator forgives this as long as it happens out of ignorance. If this is no longer the case, it is worship of pagan deities. This also led to pagan cult in the early church, and consequently to idolatry. That is why the 2nd commandment of God was banished very early, because this commandment prohibits idolatry.
The same applies to the title “Christ”, the translation of which is said to be “anointed”. In Hebrew, God’s anointed is called „Mashiah“, which is why the English „Messiah“ came into being. After a closer look, however, there are completely different backgrounds.
The first Christians were not called „Christians“, but „Chresten“. The Roman Tacitus also calls them „Chrestiani“. The first Christians had nothing against this term because it meant something like „good people“.
The „Christ“ with „i“ came from the Egyptian „Krst“ from the anointing of the dead. This brings our Savior into connection with the cult of the heathen. Even though he said he came for the living, not the dead.
The right name for God’s son is Yahushuah. The shortened form of this first name is Yoshua. In Hebrew there are many first names in the shortened form. As in other cultures, there are family names that originate from previous first names. For some, the unabridged form has been preserved in the correct pronunciation.
A very famous such family name is that of the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu. The shortened form is still used today as the given name, Netanya. The meaning of this name is almost unmasking. All Hebrew names have an original meaning. Yoshua means „Savior from God“. Moses‘ successor was also such a „Savior“ because he saved the people of Israel into the promised land. Netanya or “Netanyahu” means “Gift from God”. The gift is probably in the name itself, because it reveals to us how to pronounce the name of our creator.